Wednesday, September 20, 2017

What I Say: Shu Uemura Glitter Mascara in Silver

Forget about lip products! Today, I'm going to talk about a mascara. It's not just a basic mascara. It's actually a glitter mascara from Shu Uemura.
I got it last Christmas together with the recent products that I reviewed. I just opened and started using it this month.

It's in Silver which is pretty much a clear mascara with silver glitters. The glitters are not chunky. On the contrary, they are pretty even and of the right size. They are not ultra fine to the point that you almost couldn't notice them, nor too big that you would find them obnoxious.

The consistency of the clear mascara is light. It's not tacky. It almost feels moisturizing, like a serum. 

For the list of ingredients, enlarge the photo above.

Once opened, the mascara could last up to 6 months. However, it's still better to be extra cautious when it comes to liquid/cream eye products and change your mascara every three months. It's more hygienic that way.

There are also words of caution on the side of the box.

Speaking of the box, it's a luminous gold one with black and cream writings and details. It's nice-looking. I wouldn't say that it looks totally expensive, but it doesn't look cheap either. It also feels great. It is extremely light and smooth.  

On the other hand, the tube itself looks downright expensive, especially in real life. It's a sleek, glossy, black tube with fine shimmers all over. It's even more smooth than the box. The shimmers don't move around nor transfer. Aside from the small clear sticker with codes and whatnot somewhere on the lower part of the tube, it only has the brand on one side and the product name on the other. 

This is how the wand looks like. It is undeniable thin which is great. I personally favor wands like this. I find it extremely easy to use and control especially on the corners and bottom lashes. It also coats every lashes wonderfully. It doesn't miss anything. It is definitely efficient, especially when it comes to separating the lashes and removing clumps or gunk.

Natural & Curled

The photos above show how my lashes look with nothing but the Shu Uemura Glitter Mascara. It works like a clear mascara and holds the curl while adding the tiniest bit of definition. Don't expect too much length or volume. However, you can also tell that the glitters don't adhere much when used alone. 

I couldn't get the camera to capture the glitters properly. They're not that nonexistent when used alone, it's just that there's still not enough of them to be noticeable or to make a difference in the whole look. 

The photos above are meant to give you an idea on how this mascara works on top of another mascara. I used MAC Extended Play Gigablack Mascara as a base. 

Again, I didn't get to capture shimmers/glitters properly. I don't really know how. I already tried with flash, but they still came out off. Therefore, the photos above don't totally give justice to this mascara. 

It actually works a whole lot better as a topper. The glitter adheres better and stronger. 

Some people might think that it's not good or that it doesn't work that well. However, what I like about this mascara is that it's not too much or too extravagant. It's not an in-your-face type of addition. It just adds a subtle touch of something extra. Do you know what I mean? It's like you can tell that there's something different, but you can't exactly pin point what it is. It's similar to a no-makeup makeup.

 I believe it adds the right amount of definition, shine, glimmer and character. Speaking of character, it makes me think of the words "classy", "graceful" and "elegant". It's not shouting for too much attention, but it's there and makes you notice. I'm all for products like this. That's why I'm really glad I have it. 

It's actually easy to use on any occasions. You're rest assured that it won't make you look funny or over-the-top.

If we have the same preference, then give this one a go! ;)

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