Sunday, June 16, 2013

NOTD: OMG Crystal Sand in Opal and Emerald

Hi everyone! So I was in the mood to paint my nails and give them more life and colour this morning and I came up with this.

I went for an accent nail manicure and highlighted my ring finger with OMG Crystal Sand Nail Polish in Opal while I coloured the rest with OMG Crystal Nail Polish in Emerald.

L: Opal ; R: Emerald

What I love the most about these nail polishes is that they are so pigmented. I actually applied only one coat (that’s how lazy I am, painting my nail only once in a blue moon and with just one coat xD), and as you see they are looking just fine. These nail polishes also glide on so smoothly and evenly. The glitters are not big of a chunk and not gritty at all, just how I like it. Another plus point is they only cost 18.75 Php each. Yes darlings, beat that. ;D

I just really hope they will not chip off easily and that they will last long regardless the fact that I didn’t use any base and top coat. Told you, I’m lazy just like that. xD

How about you, beauties, do you love to paint your nails frequently? What’s your favourite nail polish? I would love to know.

Until next time lovelies :*


  1. Hello from France
    I am very happy to welcome you!
    Your blog has been accepted in Asia Philippines_____N°611 a minute!
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  2. Such lovely and beautiful nail polishes love the colors! You have a great blog! I'd love if you checked out my blog, and if you like it, can we follow each other? I promise I’ll follow you back <3


    "Saúde & Beleza - Health & Beauty"

  3. Thank you so much for following! I'm following you back now on GFC :)
    I'm also following you on "Google+" and I'd be very happy if you follow me back :)
    Keep in touch sweetie! Hope you have a fabulous week ahead<3


    "Saúde & Beleza - Health & Beauty"

    1. Thanks to you, too. :D Sure, I would love to follow you back. (: I will. You too lovely, have a wonderful week. xoxo

  4. Thank you, dear. :D Sure, I would love to go and check out your blog. (:

  5. Wonderful blog.

    I invite you to check out my blog.

    1. Thank you dear. :D Sure, i'll definitely visit your blog. ;)

  6. Wow, such a fantastic nails! I'm so impressed! : )

    1. Thank you, dear! I'm flattered that you like it. :D
