Saturday, July 27, 2013

Beauty Wow: Couple Of Beauty Stuff You Might Not Know Yet ^^,

     Hello beautiful creatures! :D How are you all doing? I hope you’re doing great and that you’re enjoying the weekend so much. :)

     For today, as you might have guessed from the title, I’ll be putting my second entry on my newly opened series which is Beauty Wow. And I’m going to share with you all some few things that I discovered and that you might not know yet. Hmmm, does that statement just arouse your curiosity? xD I know it does.   I’m hoping that this would be somehow helpful and that you’ll also discover and learn a thing.  Enjoy reading. ^^,

     First of all let’s talk about some hair stuff:

Did you know that when you are using a bobby pin the shorter part (the one usually with some waves) is supposed to be the one facing downwards? It would work better that way; it would hold the hair nicely and stay put.

Sock buns, it wouldn’t be named like that for no apparent reason. If you wish to sport this hairstyle and you don’t have doughnuts, you can actually simply use a sock. Yes a sock! Just cut the end, roll the sock and walla, you can easily use it to make a sock bun.

if you don't have these, worry no more

you can use some socks

ok, so I cheated a little bit and didn't cut mine, but you know the trick ;)

Did you know that baby powder is an alternative for dry shampoo? Yes, beauties and even corn starch, too. They are effective to take away the greasiness from your lovely locks. But ah-ah, you’re not supposed to apply any of them directly on your roots. You have to put some on your palms, rub them together so the powder is spread properly and there's no big clumps, then run your fingers onto your roots and brush them after to distribute the product on your hair.  

     Now, moving on to some makeup:

Did you know that a lot of face primers and frequent use of such may cause you to break out? They are supposed to hide your pores, thus, they somehow clog the pores. Bummer, I know.

Are you also aware that you can use lip balms to moisturize and keep your eyelashes curled? Nice, right?

     Let’s not forget about skincare:

If you want to hide those pores and have a smooth skin on your face, use some ice, put them on a plastic, wrap on a piece of cloth and pat on your face every morning for about 10 to 15 minutes.

     Last but not the least for in and out beauty:

Okay, lovelies, go now and spray a perfume, cologne or whatever body spray that you currently have. These things will not just help you smell good but also help lower stress levels, improve your mental performance, therefore even your physical ones, ease pain, end insomnia, and even help lose weight. Wonders of scents and fragrances.

Lastly, don’t be too afraid of the sun and don’t hate it so much, it is not all bad, you know. Sunlight boosts happiness and you can get depressed from lack of it.  Sadness, hopelessness and fatigue are some of the symptoms of this kind of depression.

     The end. Haha. That’s everything. I hope this post didn’t just bore the hell out of you and that you learn even just a single tiny tip. xD I just love sharing the things that I know, and for sure there will be more of stuff like this in the near future. If you enjoyed, make sure to keep an eye for those ones.

     Thanks for reading beauties and I will talk to you soon. Enjoy the weekend my loves. xoxo


  1. Wow, I didn't know that one about the hairpins! Must try that :)

    1. actually, I also just discovered that last month. at first, I couldn't believe that all my life I've been using those pins improperly. xD

  2. wow i was so wrong about the hairpins. i use it ng baliktad! ^^ ciena i also nominated you for a Liebster award, hope you can come over my blog to check it. :)

    1. same here. haha. thank you so much Shayne!! :D I'm so flattered. I will definitely go check it out. :D
