Tuesday, July 23, 2013

What I Say: Maybelline Baby Lips Color

     Good evening, beauties! How’s your Tuesday? I hope you’ve had a fun exciting day.

     Today, I have a confession to make… a confession about a bad habit… a very, very bad one. I mean bad. It is so wrong. But, I just can’t help it. I don’t even know what to do. Before I go on, can you promise one thing? Let’s just keep this between us, okay? Promise? Great! And hey, please don’t judge. Pretty please. /\o Okay, here goes nothing. So I have this bad habit of… bad habit of….





… bad habit of buying things that excite me without thinking twice and what's worse, buying them in every available colour. Yes, I’m guilty of being an impulsive buyer. And believe me I hate it. I just really can’t help it. Also, a lot of times I regret it the day after. Just like what happened after I bought these babies.

     These are Maybelline Baby Lips Color Lip Balms.

     They come in these packaging. All of the things that you need to know are clearly written.

     I got them from Watsons for only 89 Php.

     I have mine in Berry Crush, Cherry Kiss and Pink Lolita.

     Berry crush is a deep berry red.

   Cherry kiss, on the other hand, is more of a coral red.

     Lastly, Pink Lolita, as the name suggest is pink in colour.

     They claim to be “… the next generation of lip balm. Adult strength care for baby soft lips in vibrant translucent colours. ” It is also written at the back that they are “infused with “pure colour system” for a translucent pop of colour and shine” and that they are formulated “with vitamin E and Jojoba oil to help shed away rough dryness for supple smooth and cushioned lips all day”.

     Let’s first talk about the things that I adore about these lip balms. :)

*First of all, they are affordable.

*They have SPF 16.

*They have amazing ingredients such as vitamin E and Jojoba oil.

*They are cute and handy.

*They contain more products (4.5g) than the other balms in tube that only contain 4g.

*They don’t feel sticky.

*And lastly, they moisturize very well.

     Now, moving on to the things that I dislike about them:

*Number one on the list are their scent and taste. It bothers me how they sort of smell and taste like medicines or artificial fruit flavouring. If you guys know what Calpol is, they kinda remind me of that one. So they remind me of my childhood when I was always sick and I was frequently forced to drink medicines. Hahaha. Anyways, I have other baby lips but they don’t smell like that, just these ‘color’ ones.

*Next in line is the pigmentation of these balms. They don’t give much colour pay off. They supposed to provide vibrant translucent colour but there’s nothing vibrant and it’s more like transparent. I even needed to swipe them a couple of times to provide swatches. Also, I’m not sure if you noticed, but Berry Crush and Pink Lolita look identical, aren’t they?

*And if you’re planning to build the colour up on your lips, don’t waste your time because the colour is not that buildable and the one that you would be able to build is the shine. They can provide too much shine and I’m not a big fan of that. I'm truly skeptical if they would even pass as a lip gloss, it's more like you eat something oily. *ick* That’s not hot at all. You really have to put just a thin layer.

*Lastly, nothing serious, it’s just that the writings on the tube fade off easily.    

     To tell you the truth, I grabbed these babies assuming that they are the same with the baby lips sold in other countries; you know, the ones with clear cap, real vibrant colours and the ones that YouTubers love to use. Alas, turns out I’m wrong. I would say that they are not for me. Though, they may still work for somebody else. These lip balms are not the best but they are still good products.

     That ends it. I hope you beauties learn from my mistake and don’t do the same thing that I’ve done. Let’s keep away from being an impulse buyer. Help me, and comment down below what I can do to stop this bad habit. I would really appreciate your help and I would be forever grateful for it. xD

     Thank you for your time my dear readers. Let’s talk again soon. Have a good night! Sleep tight and don’t let the bed bugs bite. xD Sweet dreams for you. xoxo  


  1. I only have one of those and I'm really sad I got the translucent one.. Grr why!! Berry Crush looks so pretty and perfect for everyday!


    1. right, if I have to choose among those 3 I'll also choose berry crush. ^^, thanks for dropping by, lovely. :D

  2. Replies
    1. I love my other baby lips, too and I cant get enough of them. :D thanks for visiting my blog, dear. ^^^,

  3. i share the same opinion with the negative traits of this lip balm, i was hopping it would be as good as the plain ones but it didnt work for me, too bad :(

    1. that is so true. :< I also like the plain ones more. ^^,
