Saturday, July 11, 2015

Secret-is-Out Saturday: 3rd Secret

You know you want to know more ;)

I've been on a skincare kick recently more than anything else. And because my skin gets congested pretty easily, I love love love to exfoliate. I do it religiously once a week. That's it, no matter how much I love it, I still make sure I don't overdo it.

On that note, did you know that overdoing it and using harsh physical exfoliants can cause microscopic tears to your beloved skin. Yes, microscopic tears. Can you imagine that?

Having said that, you have to be careful when choosing an exfoliator. If you choose to stick with physical ones, you have to make sure that it is gentle enough. Stay away from the ones with harsh, sharp and chunky particles. There's one that is very infamous but I don't what to name names. ^^v I'm sure you're familiar with it, everyone used to mention it everywhere may it be in blogs or youtube. I for one used to love that, too, because it is effective in controlling blemishes (that's a clue right there) and it does make your face feel squeaky clean but then after sometime I felt like I overdid it so I stopped using it and never went back to it.

I, now, opt to use chemical exfoliants (much gentler and safer than chemical peel) AHA or BHA, for they are very effective in taking away dead skin, smoothening, softening and improving the texture of the skin. They also don't leave cuts or tears on your skin. Though, there are things you need to know and steps you need to take before committing with chemical exfoliants. I strongly advice to do your research very well or go to a dermatologist or an aesthetician.  

I'll end this post with some exfoliants that you may want to check out. For physical exfoliator, I'd say try the facial scrub from Pangea Organics. For chemical exfoliants, check out the brand Alpha Hydrox, even beautypedia/Paula's Choice gave this brand a pretty high rating. Again these are just some suggestions, when it comes to skin, especially if you have sensitive one always be careful. Be mindful and responsible of your actions. ;)

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