Saturday, May 27, 2017

Collection # 1 | "Clay" With Me

I'm going to start sharing with you some of my collections.

When I was younger, especially when I was in elementary and high school, I used to be a big collector or hoarder. It's only recently when I decided to limit or minimize such habit. I used to have collections of things from dolls to stuffed animals, stickers to stationeries, magazines to books and many more. I already stopped collecting and keeping most of them. There are some that I still keep and a very few that I still collect. 

A good example of a collection that no longer grows but I still keep is my clay earring collection. I used to be crazy about them when I was a junior in high school. That's around 7/8 years ago.  I honestly have already outgrown these pieces. However, I still think this is my cutest collection. I also can't bear to part with them just yet. They do have some sentimental value. Actually, I'm a very sentimental person. I also wish to pass them to someone close, but I have yet to find the right person. Chloe doesn't want her ears pierced. 

Anyway, I have a good number of items for this collection. I even have one for almost each occasion: Christmas, Halloween, Valentines... You name it! Let me finally show you!

The last two are not in a very good condition. I tend to get a bit careless and clumsy sometimes and that's why. My bad!

These donuts used to have chocolate/brown strips. 

Minnie's ears are ripped or should I say, cracked. 

What do you think? They are indeed cute, right? If you're wondering, I got them all from a family acquaintance. Their items were very cheap back then. They used to have not just clay earrings but also other accessories such as bracelets, rings and necklaces. It's been quite a long time and I didn't really keep in touch, I'm not sure if they still have this business. 

However, if you're really interested, it's pretty easy to look up many clay shops on Facebook. I know because I used to add tons of them just to check out their items and designs. Hahaha You can even ask them for custom-made ones. They are really adorable and I'm sure many kids will love them. ;)

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