Congratulations to...
my dear self!
Yes, I want to congratulate, hug and give myself a proud pat on the back.
No one else has probably noticed, but I've been consistently blogging for the whole month of January. I've been doing it, once a day, 6 times a week from Monday to Saturday.
It may be just a small thing, but I believe that it's the small things that count. They are the ones that set the foundation for bigger and better things.
Who would have thought that I could actually stick to a schedule... that I could discipline, motivate, inspire and push my own self continuously?
I feel like I've finally, in a level, overcome and mastered my self... that I am finally, truly my own best friend and cheerleader... that I'm no longer my worst enemy or maybe just not as bad as before.
I'm probably just blabbing around here, but whatever. Let's roll with it.
I've been blogging on and off for years. My blog has already experienced both good and bad days. I've definitely missed some big opportunities due to lack of consistency and motivation.
I'm pretty proud for not pointing finger on outer circumstances or giving any lame excuses. It shows that I'm not giving my power away anymore and I'm taking responsibility.
Do I have regrets? Maybe. However, a big part of me is telling me that it is fine and that what's for me, will always be for me. It will find its way back to me and if not, then it was never meant to be.
Honestly, right now, my blog is still in a pretty dim place. It was never my goal to gain fame or receive gifts and sponsorship. Aside from having a creative outlet, my intention is to share and connect with other people. That's something that I've always struggle with in real life and something that I'm still experiencing up to this day and even in the digital world.
What I'm celebrating now is that I've finally learned to keep walking on my chosen path even when I seem to be all alone. I'm glad that I'm finally seeing my own worth without basing it on someone else's judgment or thoughts and that I'm appreciating and clapping for myself even when no one else is doing those things for me. I'm more than positive that alone does not equate to lonely. Most especially, that I'm never actually alone no matter what it seems like. There is a Higher power that I'm well connected with and that I can communicate with anytime, watching over me and guiding me to the right direction.
My blog may not have served its initial purpose. However, things work exactly the way they are supposed to and each happenings hold their own purpose and gift.
I truly believe that even though I have not gained much friends, viewers or readers, I've instead gained a lot as a person. I've gained wisdom and realizations. I've grown and matured. Those things are worth celebrating.
If you're wondering, I'm still going to continue blogging because that's what feels right to me. It makes me feel happy and productive. I'm not sure though how often I'm going to do it. We'll see.
Thank you for spending your time reading this post. Until next time!
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