Sunday, July 21, 2013

Beauty Wow: Vitamin E Oil ^^,

     Hi lovelies! Blessed Sunday! :D I’m starting a new series in this blog called Beauty Wow. Here, I would share a lot of wonder products that are most of the times present at our home or nearby but we are unaware of their many uses and benefits. Some days, I will open topics too that would surely interest a lot of us. Hope you’ll love this series and get a tip or two. ;)

     Let’s now move on to the first wonder product. :D

     Did you know that vitamin E oil has hundreds and thousands of ways to help and benefit us? It is not just to be taken orally as a good antioxidant. Today, I’m going to share a few more things that you can do with this beauty oil.

First of all, if you are suffering from dark circles you can apply this under the eyes every night. It would not only cure dark circles but also puffy eyes and prevent crow’s feet.

To achieve silky smooth healthy long hair, you can also use this as a hair mask, ideally once a week.

You can also use vitamin E oil as a moisturizer on your face and body and you’ll surely have a youthful looking, soft skin. It will also prevent wrinkles and stretch marks. Be warned though, it is not for everyday use because it is too thick and heavy and it may clog pores. Thrice a week is a good idea.

It is also proven effective to fade dark spots and scars. You just have to apply this frequently on these certain areas.

You can also give your nail some love by applying this oil and it will surely strengthen them and keep them healthy.

If you have very dry lips, you can use this at night and it will make your smackers so kissable.

Vitamin E oil helps healing process very well, so you may use it on wounds, sunburn and even acne.

You can also apply this oil on your lashes and it will help them grow and strengthen them.

If you have sparse or thinning eyebrows, you can apply this to help with hair growth and make them fuller.

     That’s all for now! I’ve only listed a few but of course there are other more things that vitamin E oil can do for us. If you know some more about this wonder product, I’ll surely love if you can share those things with us. Just comment down below and I’m very interested.  

     By the way, I would just like to add that you can use the ones on capsules because they are easier to access. You can look for those in a lot of stores. Just cut them open, use the oil, if there’s some more left you can just take it orally or better open some and pour the oil on a pump container or something like that. :)

     Last but not the least, be reminded, lovelies, that it may take some time before you see the results but I promise it will be all worth it. ;) And if you’re wondering, I personally use this oil on my dark circles, and I tell you, I have very bad ones. I’m the girl who never sleeps you know. xD But I’ve been using this oil for almost a month now and somehow I see some improvement. Thank God!

     Thanks for your time. I’ll talk to you again soon. xoxo


  1. Love the tips! :) Thanks for sharing!!

  2. hi dear thank you for reading my post =) hugs!

  3. thanks for the tips! I had no idea vitamin e had so many benefits!


    Peonies and American Honey

    1. you're welcome sweetie. ^^, it has tons of benefit. (: I'm glad you find this helpful. :D
