Wednesday, July 17, 2013

My Sweet Reads For The Month Of July

     Hey lovelies! How are you all doing? I’m back again to share with you some books that I hope to finish before the month ends. To tell you the truth I wasn’t able to accomplish my goal last June. But that’s okay, I just have to try and try until I succeed, right? ;D

     Anyways, last month I was only able to finish two books, both are inspirational and self-help ones, Happiness Now and Making Friends. They are amazing books. I definitely laughed a lot like crazy while reading those books. They are actually by the same author, Andrew Matthews. I can tell that he definitely has a good sense of humour. A lot of things in his books are undeniably real and hilarious. Those books are definitely good reads.

     Regarding the other books, there are only a few chapters left and I’m almost finished with Size 14 Is Not Fat Either. The story is still exciting and fun, it’s just that I have not found enough time and drive to read and finish it within the month of June. I haven’t started yet with the other book which is Reincarnation.

     Moving on, for this month, on top of my list is to finish reading Size 14 Is Not Fat Either. After I’ve finished this book, I hope I’ll be able to find the next one in this series which is Big Boned. It really kills me whenever I’m reading a book in a series and I couldn’t find the succeeding book.

     The second book on my list is The Ten Ancient Scrolls. Just like the two book that I’ve finished last month it is also an inspirational and self-help books. It is written by Og Mandino. Agh, I’m a big fan of this wonderful man. He is a very talented and gifted man. He’s gifted with the ability to inspire and touch the lives of hundreds and thousands of people. He definitely knows his way through his readers’ hearts and minds. So far, I’ve only just read the introduction and first few parts of his book but he already made a huge impact on me. I’m definitely inspired by the story of his life and amazed with the way he writes and chooses a word. I haven’t finished this book yet but I can already tell it is a good read or, to be précised, a must read.

     The third and last book for this month is Beauty written by Lauren Conrad. And as the title suggests it is all about beauty: health, makeups, hair, nails and many more around that line. I’m pretty excited to learn a lot from this book. Hopefully I will not be disappointed. By the way, if you are wondering, I got this one from Fully Booked for 765 Php.    

     That is all, lovelies. Now, that it is fewer, I’m hoping that it would be more possible for me to accomplish my goal for this month. Well, we will just see. I will surely update you again soon on my next month’s sweet reads. ;)

    Do you have any books that you can recommend or any current favourites? Just comment down below and I would certainly love to know. Thanks for your time darlings. Talk to you again soon. xoxo


  1. I love Meg Cabot's books! Although I have yet to read Size 14 Is Not Fat Either.

    I recommend Lauren Conrad's L.A. Candy and The Fame Game series :) I'm not sure if they're available in bookstores, since I read them from my tablet.

    1. Me, too. She's an amazing author. :D

      I'll definitely check those books out. ^^, thank you so much for your recommendations and for dropping by. :D
