Saturday, July 25, 2015

Secret-is-Out Saturday: 5th Secret

For those of you, gorgeous, who want their makeup, more specifically their base makeup, to truly last all day and all night, this secret would surely be of use to you. Anyways, who can really be bothered for touch ups?
I'm personally not a touch up kind of gal. The only time that I can be bothered with retouch is when it comes to lip color. But, even that doesn't happen regularly. I usually just let things be. If my makeup is already a goner by midday, I just let it. Probably not a great practice and attitude 'cause sometimes I end up looking like a mess. Hahaha

Thankfully, I learned an amazing tip from another YouTuber. This woman, though, is a bit underrated. I strongly believe she deserves more subscribers than she already has. I mean really, she's fantastic and truly knows how to do her thing. I think she's very classy and lovely, too. She's Hayley Thompson. Look up her account on YouTube and check out her awesomeness. She's on a break right now, though. Hopefully she'll be back in no time.

Now onto what you're really here for, I learned from her that since primer and foundation (or whatever you use as your base) work hand in hand, they would actually work a lot better in terms of prolonging your makeup and performance if they are of the same base.

What I mean is that if your primer is silicone based then opt for a foundation that is also silicone based. If you prefer water based products then make sure they are both water based and same goes if you want them oil based.

You can easily find that out by checking the list of ingredients first. Silicone based foundations have something that ends with -icone, e.g. dimethicone. For water/oil based ones you can easily find their names there. If you can't be bothered checking, you can also know simply by how they feel. Silicone based products tend to be velvety smooth, water based products are pretty light and oil based ones are a bit heavier.

By the way, the reason for that tip is because different bases sometimes clash with each other. They would still probably work but definitely not as great. 

Try it out and see the magic for yourself. Also remember, some secrets are better shared than kept. ;D

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