Saturday, August 1, 2015

Secret-is-Out Saturday: The 6th Secret


If you've read my post yesterday regarding my monthly favorites, you'd know that I've been loving a pigment. I've been using it a lot. With that said, I feel like now is the perfect time to share with you some of the ways you can use one. :)

Depending on the color, you can use one as...

A.) an eyeshadow. You can use it as a lid color, crease color, even as a browbone or inner corner highlight.

B.) Speaking of highlight, you can use it not just as a highlighter for the eyes but also as a face highlighter. Pop it on your cheekbones, cupid's bow, bridge of the nose, center of the forehead or above the arch of your brows.

C.) If that much face highlight is not enough for you, you can also mix a teensy bit with your primer/moisturizer/foundation for a base that will give you an all over glow.

D.) You can possibly use it, too, as a body highlight. All you have to do is brush some on your décolleté or you can also mix some on your body powder/body lotion/body oil for that Edward Cullen vibe. ;D

E.) It's certainly not only for the face and body, you can use it on your hair, too. To do so, just add a little bit on your hair spray/hair oil and your hair would be extra shiny.

F.) You can also add some of it in your lip balm/lip gloss/lipstick, if you prefer them to be shimmery/sheeny. If you don't want to completely change a lip product, then just put a little bit of the pigment on the middle of your lips after you've already applied it. That would make your lips a lot fuller and poutier.

G.) It can also be used as an eyeliner, just mix it with some water.

H.) Using it on the nails is also not a bad idea. Whether you want to mix it in your nail polish or just add it on top, you're free to choose.

Always keep in mind that a teeny tiny bit goes a long way. You can use a pigment dry but if you want it to be more manageable and pigmented then use it wet. So far, that's all that I can share. The possibilities are endless, though. If you know more ways a pigment can be used, share it on the comment section below. I would surely love to read it. Bye! xo

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