Sunday, December 30, 2018


Holiday season is a season of giving. 

With that said, there are tons of giveaways going on around social media sites.

The mechanics are pretty much the same. For the most part, you only have to follow, like/react and tag a number of friends.

That's it! Easy peasy, right? 

But, here I am wondering...

How about people like me who don't have friends? 
The loners? The introverts? The shy-type? The wallflowers? Or the ones who simply couldn't find their tribes, just yet?

It makes me a bit sad.

Now, it is not just that we have no friends, we also can't join or win any giveaways. 

 Don't take things too seriously. 
All in all, I just actually find my thinking a bit amusing.

However, if indeed there are people who are feeling excluded and left-out of the fun, I want to let you know...

1.) There are still other giveaways around that don't require you to tag tons of people. 😂

2.) There are other ways to get the thing that you want.

3.) What's meant for you will never pass you by.

4.) In a sense, you are not alone.

Before I end this post, I just want to make it clear that I actually do have friends. I'm extremely grateful for the very few that I have. Just like what they say, it's about the quality, not the quantity. Hello to my dearest friends, if you're reading. 👋

Until next time everyone!

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