Friday, December 28, 2018

Dream Interpretation | December 28, 2018

Photo not mine. Credits to the owner.

If you're a big believer that everything has its meaning, purpose and reason, then this post would surely resonate with you.

Earlier today, I've had my 1st vivid dream in a long while. It has left such powerful impression that I felt the urge to document it here. 

In my whole life, I believe this is the second dream that has generated such strong feelings, making me want to think and research about it. 

My dream was about a Labradorite. It looked a bit similar to the photo that I have above. However, it's polished all over and didn't have any rough nor sharp edges.  

In my dream, I found a hole in a ground near our home. I knelt down and dug my hands into the hole. It was a relatively shallow one. That's where and how I picked up a huge polished Labradorite. I was using my two hands to hold it near my body, looking at it, in awe. The Labradoresence of the crystal was so evident. I took a look at the hole again and that's when I finally realized that it's some sort of a crystal mine. It was a bit sparkly this time and I noticed more crystals inside. I could have more if I wanted to but I remember having these feelings of contentment, surprise, amazement and excitement for the one that I had in my hands. There was this rush of happiness and positive emotions. 

That's all I can remember. I did have different dreams before and after that part, but they weren't memorable. 

Back to reality, I am indeed an amateur crystal collector. I know a thing or two about them. However, interestingly enough, Labradorite is not one of my ultimate favorites. I don't have it on my wishlist. I haven't even seen it recently on the crystal pages that I follow. That's why it's a surprise that it was the one that showed up on my dream.

Labradorite is a stone of magic. It is said to have tremendous power to bring change to one's life.

 "Lore of the Inuit people claim Labradorite fell from the frozen fire of the Aurora Borealis, an ordinary stone that transforms to the extraordinary, shimmering in a mystical light that separates the waking world from unseen realms."

Out of intense curiosity, I've researched about the possible meanings of my dream. Here are the lines that struck me the most:

"In general, a dream about gems is usually a good sign for personal affairs, love life and business dealings, since jewels are generally thought to signify pleasure and riches."

"Dreams of finding precious stones and semi-precious gems are an indication that something of value is about to occur."

"Dreaming about gemstones in general represents having or achieving a comfortable lifestyle. Those who see gems in a dream vision, such as rubies, turquoise, quartz, jasper or amethyst, are likely to find themselves thriving and enjoying their station in life. This type of dream can also serve as a prediction of an upcoming joyous occasion or participation in an event which will bring happiness and fulfillment to your life."

"Envisioning yourself finding gemstones unexpectedly is a positive sign to see in a dream and indicates being successful. Just as a diamond in the rough just needs a bit of polish to shine, you are also predicted to attain greatness and excel in a task or goal you are currently pursuing. This type of dream also indicates that the achieving of victory in your endeavors will lead to a quick rise to fame and the admiration of those around you."

"Envisioning yourself looking at gemstones is a positive symbol associated with gaining valuable possessions. This could be a random present from a friend or a loved one, or it could possibly be an extra allowance of money for business or personal expenses. Gazing at gemstones may also indicate acquiring something you have had your eye on for quite awhile, for example, an expensive gadget or a new car."

"Dreaming about seeing gemstones cut and polished, such as in a workshop, is a positive omen predicting happiness. This dream could indicate being or becoming content with your situation in life or attaining some goal which satisfies your heart's desires. Because you feel fulfilled and comfortable, you may also become more hospitable and experience improvement in your relationships, particularly with close friends and family."

"Envisioning light being reflected from gemstones indicates experiencing harmony. Observing illuminated gems, such as rubies, sapphires or diamonds, refracting light represents finding a happy balance within yourself, especially an inner peace acquired through religious rite or spiritual reflection. This type of dream may also show your contentment with and acceptance of yourself as a person, which exudes from you and can be recognized by those who surround you."

I'm one of those people who believe that the Universe, our angels, guides or whatever you believe them to be, communicate with us all the time in many ways. We just have to be aware, believe and accept. 

I also believe that dreams connect us with our higher consciousness.

This dream is definitely a positive sign. I remember having almost the same feelings from my first vivid dream. I'll probably share that story with you, too. We'll see. 

One thing is for sure...

 Something great, not just in superficial ways, is about to happen.



PS: What if this post piqued your interest because it's actually a message for you?  😉  

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