Tuesday, January 8, 2019


The snack lover in me is resurfacing once again, expect a lot of food posts coming your way.

I've been interested in these Belvita Breakfast biscuits for a long time. They seem filling, energizing and something that you'd want to take with you on the go.  

I was in the grocery store just the other day and decided to finally give them a try. I bought two variants, one in Honey & Chocolate and the one I'm sharing with you today in Milk & Cereal.

I got a 20g pack that contains 2 biscuits for 8.50 Php. It's quite affordable, though not as inexpensive as local biscuits. It's a product of Malaysia.

The small individual pack is filled with information.

The complete list of ingredients is at that back. It's definitely not for those who are allergic to wheat, oats, milk and soya.

You can also find the nutrition information there. 

I have nothing against the taste. I quite like it, but it's not my favorite. There's nothing exceptional. It just has the usual breakfast taste of oats with milk to me. 

The texture is also just in the middle for me. I like that it's not too crumbly. It has a bit of crunch, but not hard. It also has a bit of softness and lightness, but not chewy nor does it melt in the mouth effortlessly. I appreciate the unique design of the biscuit, though.

  I didn't find one pack enough and actually filling. 
It says on the back to enjoy 2-3 packs of it with a serving of fruit, a serving of dairy and tea/coffee to start the day well. If you need 2-3 packs, why not just have 4-6 biscuits in one pack? Is that their way or trick to make us think that we've have already eaten enough or a lot? I'm not really sure. However, I think it's a waste of space and packaging. Just give us the right or enough serving we need. 😂 

Even though it's not as tummy-filling as I thought it would be, I actually found it filling for my sense of smell. The scent of these biscuits is quite heavenly. I love it! That may be weird and unnecessary but whatever. I enjoyed the delightful scent of milky oats. 😂

I also might not be full, but I found myself somewhat energized after eating these biscuits.

Overall, it's not the best thing ever, but I guess it's nice to try, add in your meal or have on the go. 

Have you tried Belvita Breakfast? What are you thoughts about it? 


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