Monday, January 7, 2019


I am not an expert. What I'm about to share with you are all based on my own research, thoughts and experiences.

Melatonin is a hormone naturally produced in the body. It is known as sleep hormone since it helps us fall asleep and guides our sleeping pattern. The level of it in our body starts to rise when it is dark, letting us know that it's time to sleep, and goes down during the day, waking us up.  

If you tend to have a hard time falling asleep at night and don't have a proper and healthy sleeping cycle, then you probably have low levels of melatonin and might be interested in taking Melatonin supplements to normalize it.

This supplement is a natural sleep aide. Unlike sleeping pills, it won't knock you down or actually make you fall asleep. Instead, it will just send a signal in your system, calm you down and prepare you to sleep.

It has been a part of my life for a few years now and I just want you to keep some things in mind.

First of all, use it to regulate your sleeping pattern. Do not depend on it every night. Take one tablet at the same time for a few nights. I recommend doing that for less than a week. Then, stop taking the supplement as soon as you feel that your system has already adjusted to that set sleeping pattern.

I personally only take this supplement for 3-5 consecutive nights. Once I'm sure that my body has familiarized itself with the healthier sleeping cycle, I tend to stop immediately.

Of course, you have to stay consistent with the pattern. 

If you take one tablet at 10 pm each night for 7 days and fall asleep at 11, you have to make sure that on the following days, even though you're no longer taking any supplement, that you still fall asleep at the same time. If your system has indeed adjusted, this comes pretty easy.

If you mess with your body clock and sleeping cycle, you'll have to start once again.

I completely understand how hard it is for some to stick to a healthy sleep pattern. I personally still keep on adjusting mine from time to time. That's okay. The important thing that I want to remind you is that it's better not to totally depend on anything. Just use it when you really need it.

Another tip is to start with the lowest dosage. If you immediately use one with high dosage, your body might get so used to it that lower dosages will not have any effect on you anymore. Start low and see what works for you. Give your body just what it needs and nothing excessive. 

I myself started with 1.5 mg.

The last tip is to keep your room and surroundings as dark as possible during bedtime. It might help naturally increase the level of Melatonin in your body. 

I hope you find this post helpful. 

These are just mostly precaution.

I believe that in everything, balance and moderation is the key.

Let's all take great care of ourselves.

Until next time!

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