Tuesday, July 16, 2019


I have one more product by the Korean brand Ottogi. This time, it's not another tea, but one of their fruit jams, instead. Since strawberry is one of my favorites, I couldn't help but try their Strawberry Jam to see how different it would be from our local ones.

I got this jam the same time that I bought the teas that I posted about last week. This product is available in two sizes: 300 g and 500 g. I went for the smaller one and got it from the same shop, Misnidoh, for 169 Php.

The packaging is pretty similar with the packaging of the Ottogi teas, but smaller.

The cap has a cute fruit design all around. Even though it doesn't indicate a safety button, I still think I remember it popping out the first time I opened this jar.

The label, as usual, is pretty much all in Korean, except for the numbers, expiry date, product name and open/close indicator.

It has the usual slightly thick and sticky consistency of a jam. It does have blobs of strawberries in it.

The scent and taste of this product are incredibly familiar. To be completely honest, I couldn't detect anything that would differentiate this one from our local strawberry jams. The way they smell, taste and the texture are definitely alike that if it wasn't packaged the way it is or labeled, you would think that it's just a local jam.

That's not a bad thing at all, but maybe I was just looking for something special about it to figure if it would be a favorite, a priority or a part of the to-buy list once again. Sadly, I don't find it necessary due to the extreme similarities. Still, I'm glad that I've given it a try.

Having said that, this jam does taste good. It is definitely sweet and fruity with a bit of sourness. It does have that fresh and rich vibe.

That's all for this one. 

Until next time!

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