Friday, July 12, 2019


I have another tea by the Korean brand Ottogi to share with you today. This time, it is the Honey Citron Tea.

I purchased this one together with the Ottogi Honey Ginger Tea that I talked about last time. Just like that one, I did purchase a 500 g jar from the same shop for the same price of 259 Php.

The packaging and looks of the two teas are almost identical except for the slight yet necessary differences of the colors, details and images on the labels.

This jar was also secured with a plastic seal. It does have a cap with a safety button, too, that did pop the first time I opened it.

Just like the other tea, most of the details on this item are in Korean. The name, size and expiry date are the only ones that are clear to me.

It doesn't show much on the the photo above, but in reality, the color is definitely more of a yellow orange.

The consistency of this is also similar with the last one. It is pretty thick, but it still gets dissolved rather easily. However, of course this time, it has tons of citron slices.

The scent of this one reflects its taste perfectly. It is sweet, but definitely less than the Honey Ginger one. It is also very citrusy and a bit sour. There's also a slight bitter taste probably due to the citron skin.

To be honest, I surely do like this tea, but just a little bit less compared to the Honey Ginger Tea, and it is because of that slight bitterness.

I still do like munching on the citron slices and doing so is incredibly filling.

I have tried this tea both hot and cold. A hot honey citron tea is pretty nice and likable, but a cold one is perfect and extremely enjoyable. Using cold water makes it cooling, refreshing and energizing. It matches the best the bright, happy vibes of the citron.

I think this Ottogi Honey Citron Tea would be the perfect afternoon tea. It could effortlessly work as a boost and pick me up in the middle of the day, providing that much needed rejuvenation and extra energy during that time so that it's easier to go on the rest of the day and be full of life all day long.

Until next time!

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