Monday, June 29, 2020


Have you ever dreamed of having long, voluminous, wispy lashes? I surely have. That's why after reading tons of positive reviews about this SkinPotions Peach Thy Lash Lash & Brows Hair Grower, I finally gave in and decided to give it a go. If you're wondering about my personal experience with this product, then continue to read more.

I purchased one from an authorized seller through the app called Shopee. But, you can also opt to buy from the official store of SkinPotions in Lazada. 

A 5 mL tube retails for 150 Php.

The little tube comes inside a book-style card. This type of packaging definitely makes me think of sample perfumes. I have nothing against that. It actually looks cute. 

The design and colors used for the packaging are undeniably attractive. 

I love that pretty little peach on the front. You can also see there the names of the brand and the product together with a short, yet precise description of what it actually is. 

At the back, there are more details about brand and the product itself. 

The list of ingredients and direction for use are inside. Same goes for the more detailed version of the product description. 

You can also find most of these details on the tube itself.

The tube comes with a pretty basic, clear mascara wand. This wand works well. It distributes the product nicely and evenly. 

The product inside is also clear and has that gel-like consistency. I personally don't find it that heavy nor sticky. It is actually really easy to spread. 

This product is definitely scented. Actually the scent reminds me of a perfume, I just can't remember whether it's Dolce & Gabbana or Incanto Shine.

To be honest, at first, it's weird to me how scented this product is. After all, it goes near the eyes. If you know me, I love scents and aromatherapy, but when it comes to skin or body care products, I actually prefer them to be unscented. Regardless, the scent of this product has already grown on me. It doesn't bother me anymore, instead, I find it quite addicting. 

I personally use this product 3 times a day: morning, afternoon and at night. 

I certainly think that it effectively nourishes and strengthens my lashes. They no longer break and fall as often as they used to. 

Now, I'm sure you're curious if it has made my lashes thicker and longer. 

To answer that question, my lashes are still not as long nor as voluminous as I want them to be. However, there's a noticeable growth or length improvement, especially for my lower lashes. 

Overall, I feel really positive about this product. I believe that with continuous and consistent use, it will definitely grant me something similar to, if not exactly, my dream lashes. 

Until next time! 

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