Thursday, July 2, 2020


Just like yesterday, our product for today is also by the Korean brand Pyunkang Yul and it is their Balancing Gel.

Similar to the Nutrition Cream, this product comes in the Up Line-Ups or the white set. It is recommended to be applied after the moisturizer. 

A sample sachet contains 1.5 ml or 0.05 fl. oz. I personally only use it at night. Tonight is my fourth time and probably my last since I only have a teeny tiny amount of it left.

Like what I said yesterday, this post is based on my experience with this product for only a short time, like a first impression.

The gel is unscented which suits my skin care preference perfectly.

It has a very weird yet interesting texture. They called it honey-like. However, because it's clear, it reminds me more of glue.

It also seems sticky at first, but the stickiness disappears totally once applied. You have to apply it the right way, though. You can not spread or glide it all over your face. You have to pat it all over. It may seem weird, but I actually enjoy it a lot.

Aside from the texture and application, I also enjoy the performance and the effects of this balancing gel. First of all, it gets absorbed extremely fast. It feels like you put nothing on your skin. It doesn't leave any stickiness, heaviness or anything of that sort. 

It also doesn't make the skin look extremely shiny nor extremely matte. It just leaves a natural, healthy sheen. It makes the skin look bright and glowing from within. 

Just like what the brand claims, it does make the skin feel soft and supple. It also makes my skin look so fine. I don't mean fine as in good, but fine, skin texture-wise or "pino" in Tagalog.

Not just that, as mentioned above, I only use it at night, but my skin looks even better when I wake up in the morning.

I think this gel is some sort of a magic potion. I'm definitely loving it. Pyunkang Yul has fast become one of my favorite Korean brands. 

Until next time!

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