Sunday, March 12, 2017

How To Prevent Piercing Rejection

“Hindsight is a wonderful thing.”

Been there, done that... or in my case, been there, haven't done that. I did experience a piercing rejection, but that's because I failed to follow these tips. Learn from my mistake if you don't want to be left with a scar or if you want to keep rocking your piercing for as long as you want.

Before moving on to the tips, I want to give you a short detail of what happened to my piercing. As I've already mentioned on my previous post, it was June 6 of last year when I decided to get my navel pierced. A day after, it looked this way...

For most part, it remained and looked that way. I guess that's why I  thought it was healing well and fast. But then, 6 months after, my body pushed the ring all the way out. It turned out like this... 

It's a bit gruesome. I felt the need to edit the photo for your sanity's sake (or maybe mine).

To prevent such thing, it's important to...

Tip # 1: Listen attentively to the piercer. It doesn't matter if you've already done your research before getting anything pierced, you would still have to take your piercer's words into consideration. If that person said that you'll have to wait and clean it everyday for 6-12 months then do so. After 3 or 4 months I stopped cleaning mine regularly. I used to clean it twice every single day but then I settled to once every other day. It was itching a bit but it looked well so I took the itching as a sign of healing. I was even so amazed and proud of how fast I thought my body was coping and healing. Hahaha

Tip # 2: Be mindful and extra careful all the time. When I say all the time, I mean even while sleeping. Piercings are high-maintenance. You must badly want it and have patience. There were a few instances when I accidentally pulled  my belly ring. It happened a few times while I was changing clothes and drying myself with a towel. There was also this time when I scratched it while sleeping. If it tends to itch from time to time, use saline solution and also cover it with a heavy-duty band-aid before going to sleep. 

Tip # 3: Stay away from tight clothes (or keep your hair away from your face/ears). Limit any friction. Any sort of rubbing, no matter how light can end up irritating the piercing. Keep in mind that it's sensitive. I was so stubborn. I didn't only experience rubbing, but also getting my piercing stuck. 

Tip # 4: Take your body type, form and size in consideration. Think about the type of piercing that you want, too. Surface piercing have a high possibility of rejection. Other piercings require right space, shape or placement. If not, it may end up looking odd or even dangerous. I personally didn't have any problem with the shape and type of my belly button. I think my issue was with my whole belly. Okay, TMI, my size actually fluctuates easily. To add to that, most fats end up in my tummy and arms. Sometimes, I do get tummy folds when I sit or bend. I think that affected my piercing since its position ended up somehow varying, too. Choose a piercing that's right for you and your body.   

Tip # 5: Once you notice that your body is rejecting the piercing, take it out with the help of a professional. It's not advisable to take it out on your own because you might end up locking infection inside. It has to be cleanly and properly removed. I kept on hoping that mine would stop so I actually didn't take it out until it's fully rejected. That caused a deep scar. In this case, an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure. 

Research and read a lot about the piercing that you want while also keeping in mind that each experience tends to differ from person to person. Have a better judgment. Listen to your body. Listen very carefully. Don't ignore even the simplest and tiniest signals. If I have taken the itching more seriously, maybe things would be different. Anyways, good luck! Have a better experience with your piercing/s. ;D 

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