Saturday, March 25, 2017

The Best Dishwashing Pad Ever

This is so random and a bit weird, but let's go with it.;)

I love washing dishes. It's my second most loved household chore next to decluttering. I just find it very relaxing and therapeutic. Is that weird? Am I weird? Hahaha Well, let me explain. My overactive and scattered mind tends to relax and slow down while I'm washing dishes. There are times when it completely clears my mind from any thoughts and others when productive and helpful ideas come to me in the midst of it. I somehow treat it as a form of meditation. I'm so lucky and grateful to have such activity that works that way. 

Anyway, to other dishwashing lovers out there, I bet you know how much it means to have the right tools. I get so excited every time the bottle of dishwashing liquid is full and the scrub is new. How I hate using shabby and old scrubs. Some of them soften too much and lose their form, others tear, while the rest with two or three parts separate. Most scrubs deteriorate like that within a few days, maybe even less than a week. I hate that type.

Fortunately, I think I just found the “one”. It is this Housewell Soft Scrub . It has been about a week now since I first started using it. So far, so good. It is still holding its original form. It looks pretty much the same when we bought it last Monday from South Emerald. This particular type of soft scrub costs 26.10 Php a piece.

Housewell has a number of different types of scrub. I have tried their light scouring pad, the small ordinary green one, and I'm honestly not a big fan of it. This one is a lot better than that. I initially bought this just thinking that it would last much longer. Since it's still looking good as new, I have no doubts that it will outlast that and many other scrubs.

However, that's not the best attribute of this sponge. What I like the most about it is that it's extremely absorbent. A tiny drop of soap goes a long way. It stays sudsy for a really long time. I'm still using the same brand of dishwashing liquid and I know for sure that it doesn't perform this well with other sponges. It actually reminds me of a different dishwashing soap brand's marketing line that goes “isang patak, kaya ang sangkatutak”. Maybe, they will go perfectly hand in hand. Yakangyaka talaga. Sobrang napabilib ako.

The good part doesn't end there. You might think that its too abrasive for porcelains and glasswares but it's actually not. It really is gentle yet tough on stains. It easily and efficiently cleans the dishes no matter how oily, sticky or dirty. 

Not just with the dishes, it's gentle on the hands, too. There's nothing to worry about.

It has a good size, not to big and not too small. It also looks nice. Pink used to be my favorite color. Typical girl, right? xD

It's affordable, high quality, efficient and economical. What else can I ask for? Nada.

Someone is about to hoard some dishwashing scrubs. Haha

Housewell, good job with this one. Please don't ever discontinue this specific type of sponge. 

 Before I go, I have a question to ask. Are dishwashers/dishwashing machines effective? Not that
I would give up washing dishes on my own anytime soon but I'm just really curious. 

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