Sunday, December 23, 2018


The Ateneo bullying incident is making rounds on the internet. It's making a huge noise and it's nearly impossible for such thing not to make people think, feel, react or even attack.

Incidents like this, especially when involving a younger person, probably make us, at some point, even for just a second, wonder if some humans are inherently evil. It honestly made me do so. Again, this is not personal, keep in mind that I'm talking about such happenings in a broad spectrum. However, after a while, a pretty interesting idea came to my mind. Let me share it with you...

A demon comes out after a person has experienced hell.

Keep an open mind, I'm not trying to free the doer from any faults or point finger on his personal experiences, environment, and/or family. 

Also, I'm a big believer that heaven or hell, here on earth, is a state of mind. What you let in and out of your mind is all on you. Our own mind is our own responsibility. 

However, I'm also well aware of the challenge and how hard it is to win the war in our mind. If you don't overpower it or make peace with it, it tends to overwhelm you. It gets penetrated by outside forces and circumstances. We have to admit, most outside happenings tend to break us. They break us really bad and swamp almost our whole being. That, I think, is one of the many possible reasons why we end up in "hell" and how our own demons come out.

I don't know if this is just naivety, but I really think people are born neutral. As we grow, learn, and experience things, that's when we tend to lean on either sides of the spectrum.

That's pretty much what's on my mind at the moment.

I'll end this post with these two quotes for more food for thought:

 “There is a battle of two wolves inside us all. One is evil: it is anger, envy, greed, arrogance, jealousy, resentment, lies. The other is good: it is joy, peace, love, hope, humility, kindness, empathy, truth. The wolf that wins? The one you feed." - Cherokee proverb 

"Nothing is black or white. There's so much hiding amongst the greys."

PS: I want to end this post in a very positive and hopeful note. I want you to know...

You can still grow your wings and experience heaven after going THROUGH hell.

Just like what they say, "the best way out is through."

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