Friday, January 18, 2019


Kopiko Coffee Candy claims to be a coffee candy innovation that will help people conveniently recharge anytime within pocket reach. Does it deliver on its claim? Read more to find out.

I got mine at a 7-Eleven store for only 15 Php. 

A pack contains 8 pieces of coffee candy.

 The foil packaging and the design are pretty classic and the usual from the brand. Correct me if I'm wrong, it's not exactly stated on the packaging, but I believe Kopiko is a product of Indonesia.

The ingredients or composition of this product is listed at the back of the foil packaging. It seems to have only a few.

The nutrition facts is also right there.

Inside the foil packaging is a blister pack to keep the product fresh. 

The overall packaging makes the product appear more high quality or something like that. However, I'm not a fan of too much packaging. I think it's just extra waste. 

To be fair though, the blister pack does keep the product fresh. However, you have to be careful, you might accidentally also pierce the other while taking just one. That actually happened to me, I still kept the candy inside and it melted a bit.

The important dates are indicated on both packs: the foil and the blister.

This candy has a sweet scent. It actually has a caramel note to me. It smells fine, but I'm expecting more of a kick of a coffee scent.

It melts slowly in the mouth. Actually, a bit too slowly for me that I tend to crush it with my teeth.

The taste of it is in the middle of an actual brown coffee and a white one. It's on the sweeter side. The overall taste, though, is pretty weak.

I was expecting a strong coffee taste because the original Kopiko Coffee Drink has been known for such.

The last thing I want to tackle is its claim to recharge. Personally, it doesn't work that way on me. I even fell asleep once just a few minutes after taking a Kopiko Coffee Candy. 

To me, it's just a usual candy, nothing special.

Taste-wise, I still prefer the X.O Coffee Candy.

That's it for this topic.

Until next time!

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