Wednesday, July 10, 2019


The food and drinks break is so over. It didn't last that long, did it?

Today's post is all about this Ottogi Honey Ginger Tea.

Yes, it's definitely a product of Korea, as you can tell from the brand and the looks of it.

This product is available in two sizes: 500 g and 1 kg.

I decided to just try it out first, so I went for the smaller 500 g one. I got mine from Misnidoh which you can find on Shopee. The current price of this item is 259 Php.

The transaction and delivery went really well. The package didn't take long to arrive. It was nicely and securely packed in a box and bubble wraps.

The product details are pretty much all in Korean, which I don't understand. Fortunately, the expiry date is clear and easy to get.

The jar is of good quality. It comes protected and sealed. Aside from the plastic seal, there's also a safety button that actually pops the first time you open it.

The consistency of the product inside is pretty rich and thick. The color leans more on the brown side in real life. There are also tons of ginger slices. These slices are nice and thin. I enjoy munching on them. They look really well and appealing, too. There's no dark spots or anything.

I do find everything about this product, meaning the packaging and arrangement, very convenient. At the same time, it's also rather unique to me and refreshing for a tea.

You simply have to scoop a spoonful, less or more depending on how strong you want it, add hot or cold water depending on your preference and that's it.

I do prefer this Honey Ginger Tea with hot water. I tried it lukewarm and cold, but it didn't feel right to me.

The scent and taste of this one is pretty sweet with a kick or spicy undertone. It's not really spicy per se, but it has that hot sensation, I guess, that ginger does normally give off. That's also the reason why I like it best with hot water. I think coldness doesn't pair well with ginger. They seem to clash and compete with each other. Do you get what I'm saying?

Nevertheless, this tea does taste really good to me. It makes me feel really good, as well. I find it enjoyable and incredibly relaxing. I think it helps with my allergies, too.

It's rather rich and flavorful compared to the usual bland, bitter and unappealing teas out there.

This tea makes me want to try the other Ottogi teas more and actually I already do have the citron one. I'm definitely going to purchase the jujube next.

Until next time!

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