Friday, August 18, 2017

F&D | Korean Food Haul III

Two Korean food hauls in a row! I told you so, it's easy to get addicted to these stuff. 

Just like the old times, I got these goodies at 805 Trading. If you want to know the location of the store and more about the stuff they offer, then read my two other posts: KFH and KFH II. You can also check out their own page here

Let's get straight on to the list!

You're probably familiar with this. If not, then check out my KFH II. This is my favorite ice tube. It's so chocolate-y.

I also find ice tubes extremely fun and enjoyable. They remind me so much of my childhood and frosties. However, despite the similarity in form with frosties, I think that the consistency and flavors of ice tubes are more identical to local ice candies. xD

Lotte Milkshake (55 Php)

This milkshake makes me think of vanilla ice cream and creamy coconut shake. It's sweet and flavorful. I think I like it a little bit better than Binggrae Frozen Yogurt Drinks.

This is a little less sweet than Greek Yogurt Blueberry Ice Cream Bar. However, I feel like it's more blueberry-ish. The bar has a sweet creamy coating, while this one has chocolate at the bottom. Despite the differences, it is still as delicious and flavorful to me.

Lotte The Premium Dessert

I'm not positive, but I believe I got this for around 35 Php. It's not yet listed on their page, so there's no link nor exact price. Anyway, this is pretty much an ice cream in a cube form. It's so cute! It's even smaller than Lotte Selection

It has an extremely creamy vanilla taste. It's so yummy. The only thing that I'm not a big fan of is the consistency, just like Lotte Selection, it also melts easily. You better be aware of that.   

This time around, this list is not all about coolers. It also contains some hot stuff. ;) 

Jin Ramen (Mild) (38 Php)

I already featured this on my first Korean food haul. This is actually Chloe's favorite. I like it, too. It's still spicy, but very enjoyable.    

Yeul Ramen (38 Php)

Shim Ramyun (38 Php)

I have yet to try the last two noodles, so I don't have any idea about their tastes and how different they are from the first one. I'm hoping they're as delicious as Jin and that they're not extremely spicy, unlike Samyang 2x Spicy Hot Chicken Ramen. I still can't get over that one, but I'm looking forward to try these other two. Maybe, I'll get to have my own favorite soon.

The list ends there.

I hope you enjoyed this post.

If you have any questions, feel free to leave them on the comment section below. ;) 

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