Tuesday, March 27, 2018

What I Say: Nabisco Oreo and Chips Ahoy! in Red Velvet

Lets' take a short break from all the skincare stuff and talk about these two Red Velvet flavored goodies from Nabisco.

All Day Supermarket of Vista Mall has a dedicated section for imported goods and that's where I got these two. They have a good variety of products. Oreo and Chips Ahoy! are even available in other flavors, too. We went for the Red Velvet flavored ones, since Chloe is a fan of anything Red Velvet. I also personally like that flavor, I'm just not as addicted to it as she is. 😝

Let's first focus on Nabisco Red Velvet Oreo.

I got this 345 G pack for 372.50 Php.

The packaging and the design are pretty much the same with the original or their regular flavor. I do appreciate the simplicity and consistency. It is neat and efficient. They are well known for this distinct style.

You can check out the nutrition facts above.

The ingredients are clearly indicated right below the nutrition facts. There's also the distributor detail.

Other than the unique reddish brown color and the undeniably thicker filling, the product itself is also identical with the regular Oreos, even the texture and consistency.

Honestly, despite being thickly creme-filled, the red velvet taste is still really subtle and you wouldn't be able to detect it, unless you chew it thoroughly. Sounds weird right? But it is true! The red velvet taste is overpowered by the original taste of Oreos.

Unfortunately, our experience with this one was unsatisfying. Since the tastes are almost one and the same, then I think it's much better to just go for the regular ones. They are easier to find and I believe those are much cheaper, too.

I do love Oreos, but they failed me once more. Yes, once more, if you're curious, then read my post about Cadbury Dairy Milk Oreo.

Moving on to Nabisco Chips Ahoy! in Red Velvet, I got the 272 G pack for 269.50 Php.

Apart from the color, the packaging and style of this one also stayed true and same with their original and regular flavor.

As per usual, you can find the nutrition facts, list of ingredients and other details at the back.

Same with the Red Velvet Oreos, these soft cookies have a distinct reddish color.

However, unlike the original Chips Ahoy!, these are creme filled.

The taste is a totally different story from the one above. These filled soft cookies do taste like Red Velvet Cheesecake. They are so yummy and heavenly. I love them! No, actually, WE love them! We love everything about them: the red soft, chewy, moist cookies, the creamy filling and the tasty Cream Cheese flavored chips. They are not just tasty and noticeable, these chips also have a chewy-crunchy texture. They not too soft, neither too hard. The cookie, the filling and the chips have different tastes and textures that form a wonderful overall vibe. Everything just blends well nicely.

You have to try this Red Velvet flavored Chips Ahoy! I'm personally looking forward to buy more and to also try their other flavors, such as the S'mores flavored one. I bet they are scrumptious, too. Oh, I can't wait!

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