Thursday, January 10, 2019


Which one do you prefer: yogurt, gummy or chocolate? Well, why choose one when you can have them all?

I found this Tirol Chocolate Yogurt Mochi at 7-Eleven. It easily caught my attention because of its cute packaging. I love the color.

A pack weighs 52.5 g and contains 7 serving. I got it for 59 Php. I think the price is a bit expensive for a pack of 7 candies. Am I just a bit of a cheapskate? 

The plastic foil is pretty usual and classic. It actually reminds me of Hany.  

It's a product of Japan. Fortunately, the most needed details are translated in English.

There's the nutrition facts on the back.

The list of ingredients is also translated there.

The top has a nice detail. I love the color of this chocolate coating; it adds sweetness and dreaminess.

Kindly excuse this shot. I'm aware that it looks unpleasant. Nonetheless, I tried hard to show you what's inside.

I would describe this candy as a creamy milk chocolate with yogurt gummy filling.

The concept of this product is pretty new and unique, so it's no wonder that it would easily pique the interest of any customers, not just the kids. 

It smells a lot like yogurt drink or probiotic drink such as Yakult.

The consistency of the coating is creamy. Nonetheless, it still doesn't melt too easily. I prefer it cold and more solid, though. I tried an unrefrigerated piece once and it's okay, but the chocolate has a much better taste when it is cold. The yogurt gummy is very chewy even if it's warm.

The chocolate definitely adds more character to the yogurt gummy. I think the distinct sweetness of the former mixes rather well with the sweet and sour taste of the yogurt. 

However, the thing is I'm not a big fan of yogurt gummy, any type or brand of it. I tried a famous yogurt gummy also from 7-Eleven before. Even though many people love and rave about it, for me, it's just okay. I still prefer yogurt in its traditional form and gummies with their candy flavors. That's just my personal preference. I personally think that the flavor of yogurt doesn't fit the texture of a gummy.

Other people, especially those who like yogurt gummy, would probably enjoy this Tirol Chocolate Yogurt Mochi more than I did. I bought it because I thought the yogurt filling would have the texture of the traditional mochi. With that said, I still appreciate the concept and uniqueness of this food item.

Until next time!

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