Wednesday, February 13, 2019


I think this is going to be a very short post. I don't even have tons of pictures to share with you. I just really felt the need to feature this product.

I got this Luntilikhang Tsaa Tamarind Blend Iced Tea as a freebie when I ordered from a Shopee seller/shop called "Simply Green and Natural Ecoshop".

I'll surely make a post about the items that I got there soon.

For now, I want to talk about just this tea specifically. 

It's obviously so great. It's a freebie that I find deserving of an article solely of its own.

Even the design of the packaging is really nice. I love the color and the images that it features. I also like that it's not too crowded with words. It only contains the most important details.

The list of ingredients is short and filled with simple, known and healthy items.  

A 12 g sachet is good for single use. According to the direction, we simply have to pour the contents of the sachet and add cold water. That's it. It's utterly simple and instant, right? 

It's recommended to use cold water for that flavorful and refreshing mix. However, I rarely drink anything cold. I only drink room temperature water. That's what I used to complete the mix and it worked. I didn't encounter any issue dissolving the powder. 

I find that it actually does dissolve rather quickly and easily.

It could have been more refreshing if I used cold water but it was still extremely flavorful. It's very delicious and satisfying.

This product has that great tamarind taste with the right amount of sweetness and tinge of sourness.

It is not light and weak, nor overwhelming.

It smells nice and yummy, too. The scents of the tamarind powder and black tea powder are the most evident.

I like it very much!

I feel very proud to mention that this is a product of the Philippines.

I must have more of this tea. Actually, I'm extremely interested in the brand. I hope to learn more about them and the other products that they do offer.

Fortunately, this tea is available on the shop that I mentioned above. They sell Luntilikha Tamarind Blend for 23 Php per sachet. Not just that, they also sell other Luntilikha products. They have a coffee mix and a choco mix. I'll definitely give those mixes a go, too.

When the time comes, I'll let you know how I like them.  😊

 Until next time!

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