Friday, March 1, 2019


Today, I'm going to talk more about Luntilikhang Kape (Coffee Brew).

I already mentioned on my previous post, which you can find here, that this is another favorite next to their Tsaa Tamarind Blend Iced Tea that I've also already made a post about a few weeks ago.

If you're wondering where I purchase all these Luntilikhang products and how much they cost, then kindly read my previous post.

Just like with their other products, Luntilikhang Kape has specific packaging, quality, design, form and/or indications that are unique to the brand. I like that they are mostly simple, direct and minimal.

This coffee mix is composed of familiar, healthy and interesting ingredients.

It is prepared the way any other instant drinks are.

The scent of this product makes me think of regular brown coffee mixed with coconut oil.

Honestly, that's also how I'd describe the taste of it.

It's right in the middle of a brown coffee and a white one. It's not too sweet and milky. There's just the right amount of bitterness. It has just the right strength. Then, there's the added flavor of Virgin Coconut Oil. Actually, it must be the coco sap sweetener, but it just tastes like VCO to me.  Fortunately, it is not too heavy and overwhelming. 

This drink actually reminds me of how my mama drinks her coffee. She often adds a teaspoon to a tablespoon of VCO to the usual coffee mix.

I don't know if this is all weird or new to you. However, it does taste good and healthy. I guess you'll have to try it and know it for yourself. 

Overall, yes, I definitely think this is another nice drink from Luntilikhang.

Until next time!


  1. Thank you so much Ms Ciena! I really appreciate your product review! Is it possible to repost this in our FB and IG page?

    1. Of course! Feel free to repost this in your FB and IG page. Thank you so much for checking out my blog.
