Thursday, February 20, 2020


This is another review that's based on my sister's and mama's experiences instead of my own. I actually featured this Tony Moly Delight Tony Tint in one of Korean Hauls. I bought it for my younger sister to try, but she's not that into it, so she passed it to mama.

I got this cute, sample version of Tony Moly Delight Tony Tint in Red last year from GlowGetterMNL. You can check out their page on Shopee.

I think I got it for less than half a hundred. I can't recall the exact price anymore and I'm too lazy right now to look it up on my purchase history. Nonetheless, I'm 100% positive that I got it for a really cheap price.

This item is really tiny and is only 1.5 g, if I'm not mistaken. It is undeniably cute, but also easy to lose.

This little tube is actually in the shape of a heart. I honestly love that detail.

It comes with a little doe foot applicator.

The scent of it is on the fruity side.

Once again, the one that we have is in 02 Red. It is not a classic red in color, but more of a red with a heavy pink undertone. Actually this color is the most common when it comes to lip tints. Don't you agree?

It has a light and thin consistency.

I have high expectations for this product because it's one of the most recommended online and a favorite of many.

However, when it comes to performances, what my mama and sister have experienced were quite disappointing. Just like most tints the she has tried so far, it has the tendency to settle on the innerpart of the lips of my sister. It's hard for her to get a nice and even application of this product. Mama then tried to use it as a blush, but it's rather tricky to blend since it dries really fast. It actually left concentrated dots or unblended marks on her cheeks.

Fortunately, I only bought a mini one. I'm still currently on the hunt for the right tint that will work for my sister's lips. If you have some recommendations, leave it on the comment section below. Thank you!

Until next time!

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